Advent - Baby Dedication

 Jesus Presented at the Temple

"When the eight days until His circumcision had passed, He was named Jesus, the name the angel had given Him before He had been conceived.

And when the time of purification according to the Law of Moses was complete, His parents brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord: “Every firstborn male shall be consecrated to the Lord”), and to offer the sacrifice specified in the Law of the Lord: “A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.”
Luke 2:21-24

The Jewish people of old lived their lives according to the Law of the Lord (the Law given to Moses plus the ones they made up themselves).


The gospels tell us that when John the Baptist started his ministry, he baptized people by immersing them in the Jordan River, baptizing even Jesus, Himself, who was his cousin.

While water baptism is still being practiced today, it has evolved to different forms, manner and conditions, as men have changed them through the years.

Under the Law

During the time of the first coming (advent) of Jesus. His parents practiced what was prescribed of them under the old Laws. They were still living under those old Mosaic traditions and rules and regulations at that time.

Mary and Joseph presented their first born Son to the Lord at the temple.

This is where we base a Christian practice, we call Baby Dedication. This is similar to Baby Baptism (infants sprinkled with water) that some Christian congregations have evolved into practicing.


In His initial arrival, Jesus and His earthly parents followed their old customs and traditions.

During His public ministry, Jesus challenged those manmade laws and traditions which caused Him to be persona non grata and public enemy number one, putting Him in the crosshairs and a walking target of the religious and political leaders of His day.

2nd Coming

Today His followers eagerly await His second coming and they have for two thousand years practiced their new belief system, establishing new traditions, among them freedom from many of the old restrictive manmade rules.

After Jesus instituted the New Covenant, His followers though still studied the Old Testament bible, but agreeing with Jesus that the old things have become new. 

Detractors of Christianity and even of organized religion, always seem to point to those old teachings of the Old Testament bible and conveniently forget or are actually unfamiliar to the fact that under the New Covenant with Jesus of Nazareth, Christians no longer follow those teachings of the (Old) Law.

Mercy and Grace

This Advent Season is a time to remember that Love (and mercy and grace) came down on Christmas Day -- ushering in the New Law.

But it is also a time to remind us of His second coming (one of judgment and reward) -- of which the day and the hour, no one knows. Hence this day should find His followers watching and waiting, and not slacking and sleeping.
