God's Covenants

Covenants Series

What is a (biblical) covenant?

In simple terms it is a pledge, an oath, a promise or an agreement made by God with humankind.

Recorded in the first book of the bible -- the Book of Genesis, God made humans in His own image and likeness, during creation God made the first covenant with the first man (Adam) and the first woman (Eve). [Genesis 1:26-31]

It is also at this time when God instituted the covenant of marriage (between a man and a woman -- Adam and Eve). [Genesis 2:24]

I know, these have been subject to attacks for centuries, more so now that everyone (theist or atheist) agrees that humankind (and planet earth) is coming to an end.

Whatever your stand is on these, it does not matter. God will not make you believe otherwise. He did give us the intellect, the faculties, the tools, free will and the signs here on earth and in the heavens above to figure out on our own what to believe.

Below is a list of covenants (according to the bible) that God entered into with a human being.

I count six covenants, which is significant because Scriptures say God created humankind on the sixth day and then He rested on the seventh. The last book of the bible, the Book of Revelations and a few other books in the bible reveal what will happen at the end of the seventh day.

We are still on that (God's) seventh day, meaning God's (length of) day is not our (human's length of) day. The Apostle Peter wrote that to God a day is like a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). Who knows, it could be a hundred thousand, or a million or a billion. Some do believe that  God's day is also the equivalent of the earth's (24 hours) day. But as I've  mentioned earlier, to each, his own. We will believe what we want to believe. Again God is not forcing anything on us. But it is for our own benefit that we read and are aware of the things that are written in the bible. Whatever we do decide to do with the information, that's up to us.

God's Covenants

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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