Advent - Prophetic

Anna Speaks about the Child Jesus

"The prophet Anna was also there in the temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. In her youth she had been married for seven years, but her husband died. And now she was eighty-four years old. Night and day she served God in the temple by praying and often going without eating.

At that time Anna came in and praised God. She spoke about the child Jesus to everyone who hoped for Jerusalem to be set free."
Luke 2:36-38

Along with Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus and Simeon (as we read fron the previous message of this series), there was also another person in the temple at the dedication of Jesus.

She was a prophet (a person of prayer and fasting) and like Simeon (although she was at the temple daily), she followed the prodding of the Holy Spirit and went to the temple at the same time to lay eyes on the Christ, the promised messiah.

While the gospels tells us that Simeon praised God after seeing Jesus, Anna preached the gospel, the good news of Jesus of Nazareth and the prophecy being fulfilled in their midst (they essentially did a worship service).

Prophetic Words

Scriptures are full of prophecies, many have been fulfilled in the olden times and some have been fulfilled in recent history. Some are being fulfilled right now in the times we live in. But many are set to take place at the end of days.

Prophecy, or fulfilled prophecies are what set the bible apart from our everyday reading fair.

These prophecies which have been taking place confirm that the Word of God is alive. It is living and active, a means to transform us from the inside through the guidance of the Spirit of God.

The Day is Coming

Jesus told His followers what are the signs of the end of days. We have been seeing these signs in our lifetime. In fact people have been saying the end is coming for decades, more so now more than ever. In fact, end day scenarios have become a common theme of novels, TV and movie included The only difference is that now, science and scriptures are both saying the same thing.


Scriptures tell us that Jesus compared these end day signs to the pains of giving birth and that His followers shouldn't be alarmed when they see them happening. He said indeed when you see these signs, these are merely birthpains, meaning you know what will happen, just not yet. But yes, it will come.

Birthpains are commonly spread out in the three phases (trimesters) of pregnancy. The first trimester will start with comparatively milder symptoms and with the third and final trimester having the more severe ones, becoming almost unbearable as the baby is right about to come out.

These end of day signs are happening all around us, and these will continue to escalate more and more until the final days.

Peace, Joy, Hope

But these signs should not give us grief. In fact it should encourage us as we come to a realization that everything written down is finally taking place.

Among the last words of Jesus to His disciples were:

 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart (fear not but be encouraged, be of good cheer); I have overcome the world.”

Indeed the world will be coming to an end. But before that, Jesus is coming once again -- the 2nd Advent. And as His followers await this day, the Holy Spirit and God's Word (and prophecies) will be their refuge, their strength and their salvation.
