Peace On Christmas Day
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!” -heavenly hosts Luke 2:14 in the Berean Study Bible Version Christmas On Christmas Day, believers come together for fun, food and gifts. On the birth of Christ, there was a celebration in heaven and on earth. Nine months prior, with the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary, heaven came down gift-wrapped in human flesh. His Name is Jesus. Gift In Him was the Word who spoke the universe into existence. In Him was the Light who is the Way. In Him is the Truth which the human mind cannot completely wrap itself around, unless through the guidance of the Spirit of God. Love In Him is the Fruit of God's Love. Jesus is Love in human form. He is The Christmas Gift who we need to receive. Angels from heaven came down to announce to the lowliest of men -- shepherds, out in a field that a great and joyful event meant for everybody for all time has occured -- The Savior has just been born in the City of David, The ...