Do Not Be Like These People 9

"I urge Euodia and Syntyche to iron out their differences and make up. God doesn’t want his children holding grudges.

And, oh, yes, Syzygus, since you’re right there to help them work things out, do your best with them. These women worked for the Message hand in hand with Clement and me, and with the other veterans—worked as hard as any of us. Remember, their names are also in the Book of Life."

-the Apostle Paul writing to the first church in Philippi, 1st century
Philippians 4:2-3

[This is the 9th message of this series]


Continuing with this series, today we will be spotlighting two women who Paul mentioned by name to be having some sort of disagreement.

Euodia and Syntyche

Reading between the lines, I feel the disagreement between these two ladies were affecting the Philippian church to such a degree that Paul found it important that he had to step in to mend the rift or even to stop the bleeding.

On another version of this verse, Paul put it more bluntly: "because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement."

Mind of Christ

Paul wanted these two to find a way to come together and agree with each other in the Lord or be of the same mind in the Lord.

The Lord does not like disunity and the holding of grudges. Being human still, we have feelings and emotions, and we also have past hurts and pains that may still affect our daily walk with the Lord. We may even still be holding grudges with our own family, those of our own blood. And we could very well be hurt (sometimes easily) by other believers.

But being brothers and sisters in Christ, the bond that holds us together is not human blood but the blood of Jesus. If we would allow it, His blood will wash away all those past and present pain and hurt.

Brotherly & Sisterly Love

Our God is all about love and unity. One who starts discord and creates disunity and strife within the church, especially if they are church leaders should do well to meditate on this verse. These activities are not from the Lord and are not a fruit of the Spirit of God. And if this is happening, there is more going on behind the scenes. 

Work of the Lord

Paul noted that these two women worked for the gospel of Christ hand in hand with him and a person named Clement.

In a subtle way, Paul was pointing out that they are ministers of the gospel so how quickly have they forgotten the "central" theme of the gospel of Christ is love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Blood of Christ

Disagreements and differences, we will always have but the blood of Christ and the love of God covers all of these. When we are being mindful of how God have forgiven us, forgiving others will come naturally. As Christians, we cannot give out what we haven't received. (First of these are love and forgiveness which our Father in heaven have lavishly extended to each one of us and bought and paid for by the precious blood of our Lord and Savior).  

The Apostle John, puts it this way: “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”
-Jesus speaking to His first disciples, 1st century
John 13:35


Paul mentions (and every church needs) a Syzygus, that person who the Lord has placed there to mediate between brothers and sisters in the faith. We can talk about Syzygus on a future message on the counterpart of this series.
