Do Not Be Like These People 11

"I have written to the church about this, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not accept our instruction. So if I come, I will call attention to his malicious slander against us. And unsatisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers and forbids those who want to do so, even putting them out of the church.

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God."

3 John 1:9-11

[This is the 11th message of this series]

John the Beloved

Continuing on this series of us putting names to characters in the bible we shouldn't be like, we come upon someone who John mentioned in his third letter, the name of this person is Diotrephes.


Who is Diotrephes? We may not have heard of him but in all likelihood we know someone like him -- someone who always wants to be in the thick of the action, always inserting himself in things that doesn't concern him. 

This person always has one ear to listen in on private conversations and even private prayer requests (looking for fresh manna of the choicest and juiciest tidbits of information).

Why? Because this person wants to be the first one to know about anything, and the first to tell everyone about the hot gossip of the week. This person wants to be in charge of everything, and be the top dog. This person wants to be that person who brings out the sizzling hot topic agenda of the day. And in everything, it should all be about him (or her). Ring a bell?

The First Will be Last

John and the other closest disciples of Jesus know all about this need to be the first. When Jesus overheard them debating among themselves, arguing who was the greatest among them, Jesus admonished them saying whoever wants to be first, should be last.

Yes, in case you haven't heard, everything is upside down in God's kingdom -- Coming In Last Place.


It is also not surprising that Diotrephes is a stubborn person. Even after being instructed by John and other church pioneers about his ways, he still is not budging from his 'my way or the highway' mentality. Simon Peter used to be somebody like this but the Risen Christ changed him.


It is not uncommon for someone who always wants to be first (to have the need to be the center attraction), to be a stubborn old fool (not listen to authority or prescribed laws), and be a gossiper (a busy body, one who is busy with anything but the most important things to be busy about); to be a slanderer (someone who maligns people maliciously, even their fellow believers). They would most likely not care who they throw under the bus just to get to the top. 

All these wouldn't have been such a big deal if Diotrephes wasn't a prominent person in their church. But in all indications, he probably held a high position of leadership and decision making. And this is why John wanted to school him, like Jesus did to them, His closest disciples before He ascended back to heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Worse of All

And if none of these are bad enough, this Diotrephes fellow throws members out of their church and is not welcoming of people. He cancels and ex-communicates those who disagree with him. It's hard enough to bring hurting and broken people into the church, and so being the reason why they would leave and worse to kick them out is unfathomable.

Do Not Be Like Him

So please, do not be like this person. Diotrephes is ruled by a spirit totally against the Holy Spirit. Someone walking in the Spirit of God (like John the Beloved) certainly will have the wisdom and the discernment to notice something off about this man.

Let us not be innocent of the ways of that old schemer, the devil. This is just one of the old ways, the accuser of the brethren uses to bring conflict, disunity and chaos into the body of believers.

Pruning is good if God is making them. It is not pruning if it is us doing it or if it is for personal gain or agenda. The church is a safe haven, a refuge and a training ground welcoming everyone called by God.

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