Gospel - Sin No More

"My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world."
-The Apostle John, writing to the first believers, 1st century
1 John 2:1-2 in The New Living Translation Version

[This is the 2nd message in this series]

The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth. In the previous lesson of this series, we introduced 
-the gospel as the story of Jesus,
-John, one of the closest followers of Jesus as one of the writers of the four gospel stories, and 
-that He wrote three letters to the first believers.

As we read in the excerpt above taken from his first letter, John is telling the pioneers of the faith that he was writing them so that they will not sin. No, not that they will not sin. They will.

Jesus died to atone for our sins. The catch is that if we continue to live in a life of sin or after the Holy Spirit and Scriptures already told us that we ought not to continue on a life of sin, then that is a different matter.

New Life

With Jesus willingly going to the cross and dying to atone for our sins, our response as having been the recipient of this heavenly mercy which we do not deserve is to start living a (new) life that is pleasing to Our Father in heaven, who did not spare Jesus, His own Son.

If we do sin out of ignorance or not out of willful disobedience or a decision to go back to our old sinful life style then Jesus Himself who conquered sin and death who prayed for us before He went to the cross, will plead on behalf of us to Our Father to spare us.

The Way

Yes, like Jesus told the woman who was caught in the act of the sin of adultery that He does not condemn her. But right after which He told her to "sin no more".

No one is perfect. Let no one act like one. But in the same way, let no one be ungrateful and be a thankless person.

God's grace, His amazing love and mercy is what saved us. It is also the means for us to start a new way of living, regenerated, reborn, changed from the inside out, not by force and penalty of punishment but through a decision to surrender to the will of Him who created us, who knows what is best for us and what we were designed to be. 
