What is the Gospel

Most English speakers know that the word gospel means truth. Like they would say to someone, "I like reading" and add "that is the gospel truth".

Kind of redundant though if you ask me because gospel means the complete truth. In the original context, it means good news or good story.

What Story

The Gospel is the story of Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, whose birth humankind used to mark and divide time with.

Year 1 is the first year of the Common Era (CE), otherwise known as A.D. (Anno Domini) or the year of the Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So year 2021 is two thousand twenty one years later.

The Gospel (the story of Jesus) was written in the first century (sometime between year 1 A.D. and year 100 A.D.). The 21st century started in year 2001 and will end in year 2100).

His Story

So the Gospel of Christ was written a long time ago, by writers long gone. These stories were originally written in Greek and have through the centuries translated to Latin, French, German, English, Spanish and to almost every language known to humankind.

Every book ever written is a story that was written down by somebody, somewhere at some point in time, all historical books were written the same way. More books are written daily as stories are being made everyday.

The Gospel is Free

The Gospel Story can be read online for free.

For instance here is the start to the Gospel According to Luke in the New International Version (NIV).

There are 24 chapters in the Book of Luke, Luke 1 to Luke 24. Each chapter is divided into verses. So that Luke 1:3 means Luke Chapter 1 Verse 3.

Here is the Gospel According to Mark (16 chapters)

The Book of Matthew is 28 chapters.

And the Book of John is 21 chapters. 

[This completes the four gospel books. Aside from the NIV, there are other versions and other versions in different languages too. One can look for one that they can relate with. There are even audio versions where one can listen to the gospel story instead, in different languages). 

Gospel Sequel

Luke wrote a follow-up to his narrative and it is known as the Book of Acts, it is the account of what happened, right after the last entry he wrote in the Book of Luke.

The Book of Acts is 28 chapters long.

The Gospel is Alive

In reality when we come to believe in Jesus Christ, our story is a continuation of the Book of Acts.

Each believer writes their own story with the way they are living their New Life in Christ -- this is what's suppose to happen when one genuinely believes in Jesus.

The Book of Acts is both literally and figuratively an unfinished book. People who do not know Christ can read the Gospel of Christ in the lives of believers (Christians) even if they haven't read a single verse or chapter of the Books of Luke, John, Matthew and Mark.

John explains the Gospel in his letters written to the first believers in the 1st century.

We will dissect the contents of his letter in a series of messages below.

2021 Gospel Series

1. From the Eyes of John