Roadmap - I Don't Know Christ Lesson 2
I Don't Know Christ or I've Heard of Christ But Don't Really Know Him
This is the 2nd of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site.
Entering Start Location:
I Don't Know Christ
If this describes where you are right now and want to learn about Christ, continue on.
[If you missed the 1st lesson, click here]
If you want to start over, click here: Roadmap.
So we have talked about how Jesus is a real person and how He was the fulfillment of the prophesies concerning the Messiah, the Christ.
The ancient Jews were studying and learning about Christ. They were watching for the signs and the prophesies, and waiting for Christ.
When Jesus arrived, their religious leaders didn't recognize Him. Many of the Jews are still waiting for the arrival of the Promised Messiah, the Christ.
In Jesus time, most did not believe or accept that Jesus is the Christ because they were waiting for someone who was to deliver them from their bondage. But they were looking at their bondage differently than how God was looking at it.
Jesus came and fulfilled the ancient prophesies regarding the Promised Messiah. Jesus delivered humankind from the bondage of sin and death.
Jesus brought the Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom of God on earth. In the natural, people will not be able to see this kingdom.
The Coming of the Kingdom
"Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he (Jesus) answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you (or within you, or within your grasp or in your heart)."
The Kingdom of heaven or the Kingdom of God is the opposite of the kingdom of this world. Someone who is of this world is not of heaven. One who is of this world is born in this world. One who belongs to the Kingdom of heaven is one who is born from above -- reborn. They are reborn in the spirit, otherwise known as born again.
To know Christ, one has to be reborn in the spirit. The Spirit of God makes this possible. The first followers of Christ were reborn in the spirit on Pentecost Sunday, 50 days after Jesus was resurrected.
Acts 2:1-36
An encounter with the Spirit of Christ results in a rebirth just as Saul had on the Road to Damascus.
Acts 9:1-19
Saul was not among those who were with Jesus for over three years. After those who were with Jesus were reborn on Pentecost Sunday, everything that Jesus taught them were from then on confirmed and explained by the Holy Spirit (God's Spirit or the Spirit of Christ).
Us, Christians of today are reborn much like Saul (who became Paul). We are reborn without having been with Jesus previously. But once reborn, we will get to know Him as we learn and study about Him.
Next Step
If we want to know Christ, we need to have our own Damascus Road experience.
When you are ready to know Christ, you can do so through our Rebirth Series.
If we want to know Christ, we need to have our own Damascus Road experience.
When you are ready to know Christ, you can do so through our Rebirth Series.