Christmas Gift


"Now thanks be to God for His indescribable gift [which is precious beyond words]!"

2 Corinthians 9:15 in the Amplified Version

During christmastime, Christians and non-Christians alike busy themselves with the business of giving and receiving gifts.

Through the centuries when this birthday (Christmas) was first celebrated, people have lost the real message why this day is being celebrated in the first place.

Mind you, nothing in Scriptures is telling us to commemorate the birthday of Christ. Yet it isn't really a bad idea. Celebrating birthdays have been a thing long before Christianity.

The Gift

Now what is not good is people celebrating gift giving and receiving without having first received The Gift which started this Christmas celebrations to begin with.

For hundreds of years, God gave humankind the good news of a Heavenly Gift. Prophets have long prophesied and wrote about this -- the coming of Christ.


The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and told him that Elizabeth his wife will bear a son who will prepare the way (prepare human hearts) for the Christ.

The same angel told Mary,  Elizabeth's cousin, she was chosen to carry The Gift -- a Son who will be the Christ. The same angel visited Joseph, Mary's betrothed husband and told him the same thing, that Mary will bear a son and they will call Him God is with us (heaven coming down to live with us).


On the day of the birth of Christ, a host of angels singing (Gloria in excelsis deo, or Glory to God in the highest) appeared to shepherds and told them about the Christ who is to be born that day in the City of David.

They all came together to where the star from heaven was pointing at to receive God's Heavenly Gift -- the Christmas Gift, The Christ -- the baby in swaddling cloths born and laid in a manger, Jesus of Nazareth.

The Reason

This is the first gift we need to receive this Christmas season. If we haven't yet or have forgotten the reason why we have Christmas, it is time to read the Christmas story once again.

Sing Praise

It is not without reason that when Mary heard of This Gift from the angel that she burst into a song.

Zechariah also started singing when their prophesied child was born, the one who will prepare the way for The Way.

Then from heaven, the host of angels were all singing on that first christmas day as they announced the good news of Christ to the shepherds. And the shepherds returned to their fields glorifying God.

There is and there will be much singing in heaven, that's for sure.

Now while here on earth, there is trouble and tribulation but there is also a reason to be thankful for The Gift, a reason to worship, a reason to rejoice, a reason to sing praise and to shout and to jump for joy. 

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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