
Showing posts with the label Christ

Post Pandemic Preaching - Christian Faith

" For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God." Hebrews 11:10 in the Berean Study Bible Version [This is the  7th lesson of  this series ] Christians are always being criticized for their faith. This is as if non believers do not have faith on someone or something else, they do. But they find it more convenient to attack Christians for their faith rather than to confront why and how they can continue on theirs. A Christian's faith, by their very label, is (and should be) based on Christ, His finished work. Nothing else. The cross may be the symbol they use, just because most people wants something tangible to hold on to. But Christianity is all about Christ. Everything else should be built on Him alone. Apostle Paul wrote: If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men. There is more to life and living it than meets the eye.  And indeed, if Christ didn't do what He had done, fin

Christmas Gift

  "Now thanks be to God for His indescribable gift [which is precious beyond words]!" 2 Corinthians 9:15 in the Amplified Version During christmastime, Christians and non-Christians alike busy themselves with the business of giving and receiving gifts. Through the centuries when this birthday (Christmas) was first celebrated, people have lost the real message why this day is being celebrated in the first place. Mind you, nothing in Scriptures is telling us to commemorate the birthday of Christ. Yet it isn't really a bad idea. Celebrating birthdays have been a thing long before Christianity. The Gift Now what is not good is people celebrating gift giving and receiving without having first received The Gift which started this Christmas celebrations to begin with. For hundreds of years, God gave humankind the good news of a Heavenly Gift. Prophets have long prophesied and wrote about this -- the coming of Christ. Foretold The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and told him

Roadmap - I Know Christ More Than You Do

I Know About Christ More Than You Do This is the 7 th  and last stop of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. Entering Start Location: I Don't Think This Site Can Teach Me Anything About Christ Than What I Already Know So if this describes where you are right now then congratulations. You are more than ready to do what God is expecting of you. Remember to whom much is given, much is expected. A lot of people still have not heard about Christ, it is time to go and reach out to them before Christ returns. Godspeed. Matthew.28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." -Jesus of Nazareth

Roadmap - I Believe In Christ

I Believe In Christ This is the  6th  of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. Entering Start Location: I Believe in Christ So if this describes where you are right now and you really want to see how this site can help you, then read on. Recap If you are a believer then you would know of, at least the basics of Christianity. This site have tried to make an orderly account of the Gospel of Christ, Our New Life in Christ and How to Live This New Life. Here are the Links to a few of the Series of Messages on this site. Roadmap  - Guide to navigating this site Rebirth  - The Reborn Series   New Believer   - Feeding the Lambs Series Adulting  - Feeding the Sheep Series Living the New Life Living the Blessed Life Living the Fruitful Life Teaching the Teachers Quiet Time When We Don't Understand Turning the World Upside Down end of the world Other Messages, click on Message Series Links below: Church of the Lost Sheep Message Series Links Church of the Lost Sh

Roadmap - I Know of Christ From Religion or Tradition Lesson 2

I Know of Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition This is the 5th of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. Entering Start Location: I Know Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition So if this describes where you are right now and you really want to know Christ, please continue. [If you missed the 1st part, click here ] If you want to start over, click here:  Roadmap . Recap So we have talked about how some people only know of Christ through their religion, through studying Theology in school or through their religious rituals. Many Christians are merely "religious", basically they only know of Christ but don't really know Him. They are very much like the religious leaders of Jesus' time, who missed out on knowing who Christ is and He was right there in front of them. Let us not follow their lead. If we want to know Christ, then let's do it right, like how the first disciples did it. Let' start off with studying the Lett

Roadmap - I Know of Christ From Religion or Tradition

I Know of Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition This is the 4th of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. I Know of Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition So if this describes where you are right now and you really want to know Christ, then you can continue. [If you know a lot about Christ but think there should be something more to just knowing about Him, then you are correct, please feel free to continue navigating this site] Entering Start Location In the message I Got Turned Off By Religion , we touched on how some people gave up on God because of, yes religion. The opposite is also true, some people believe they are into God by being head over heels in religion. Many of them are so into God, they kept on it and probably reached high or prominent positions in their religious organizations and became respected personalities within their communities and social and religious  circles. Some of these people have no idea that they have become mod

Roadmap - I Don't Believe in Christ

I Really Don't Believe in Christ   or   I Was A Believer Once But Lost My Way This is the 3rd of this  series . This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. I Don't Believe in Christ or I Used to Believe But Not Anymore So if this descibes where you are right now and somehow you want to try to see if you might be swayed to go the other way, then you can continue. [If you have really made up your mind and totally want no part of Christ, then you are free to leave this site. Or if you have the time, please try to listen to  The Story of the Lost Son ] If you are a little lost and want to start over, click here:  Roadmap . Entering Start Location There is a big percentage of people worldwide who do not believe in Christ. This is understandable. And the reasons are many. Some of them got burned with church, or by Christians, or religion, or whatever other reason it might be. Now a portion of you, just do not believe in God or in creation, or the bible or in this man na

Roadmap - I Don't Know Christ Lesson 2

I Don't Know Christ or I've Heard of Christ But Don't Really Know Him This is the 2nd of this  series . This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site. Entering Start Location: I Don't Know Christ If this describes where you are right now and want to learn about Christ, continue on. [If you missed the 1st lesson, click here ] If you want to start over, click here:  Roadmap . Recap So we have talked about how Jesus is a real person and how He was the fulfillment of the prophesies concerning the Messiah, the Christ. The ancient Jews were studying and learning about Christ. They were watching for the signs and the prophesies, and waiting for Christ. When Jesus arrived, their religious leaders didn't recognize Him. Many of the Jews are still waiting for the arrival of the Promised Messiah, the Christ. In Jesus time, most did not believe or accept that Jesus is the Christ because they were waiting for someone who was to deliver them from their bondage.  But they

Roadmap - I Don't Know Christ

I Don't Know Christ or I've Heard of Christ But Don't Really Know Him This is the first of this series . This is a roadmap of how to navigate this site. I Don't Know Christ So if this describes where you are right now and you want to know who Christ is then let us begin. Entering Start Location: There are still a lot people who have not heard of Christ. If you are, then you are not alone. Now most people have, they have heard of the Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, Christ Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Nazarene, Yeshua... these are some of the names people call Him by. [Jesus is Yeshua in English, He grew up in the town named  Nazareth ] Some have heard of Christmas and don't really know what it is about. Simply, Christmas is the day and the season that Christians use to commemorate the birth of Christ.  [Christmas Series: Advent ] Christ Christ is not the last name of Jesus. They didn't have last names back in time. This was before the first