Gospel - Two Commands

"We love because God loved us first. Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates another believer is a liar. People who don’t love other believers, whom they have seen, can’t love God, whom they have not seen. Christ has given us this commandment: The person who loves God must also love other believers."
-The Apostle John, writing to the first believers, 1st century
1 John 4:19-21 in God's Word Version

[This is the 4th message in this series]

We shall continue with the letter of John addressed to the second generation as well as succeeding generations of believers.

We are continuing on with John explaining more about the Gospel.

In the excerpt above taken from John's first letter, he is telling the new batch of believers that Jesus, the Christ told them He left them with two commandments -- to love God and to love others (in actual practice).

In Practice Not Just Theory

One cannot say they love God when they do not love other believers.

John is trying to illustrate to them that as believers in Christ, their righteousness should exceed those of the Pharisees and the religious leaders who make it a big production number to show the public how they love God but on the otherhand show that they have no love for people with the way they badly treat everyone.

One cannot claim they love Gid whom they cannot see and not love people whom they see.

John and the first disciples of Jesus saw God, in the flesh -- the Word who came down from heaven, the Word who was in the beginning and created everything. The Word, God's Word is Jesus. God Himself. They personally knew Him and knew how He loved them.


This love is the love they (the original followers of Jesus) are preaching, and the love they are sharing (saying and doing).

People who do not know Christ cannot love God and cannot love others. Those who know Christ, loves God and loves others because God's love lives in them.

If it doesn't, it's easy to know. Because it would be hard to pretend.
