Prayer - New You Living

“Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 
-Apostle Paul, writing to the 1st church in Thessalonica, 1st century
Thessalonians 5:17-18

[This is the 4th message in this series]

If you have been following the lessons in this teaching, you should already notice something has been happening behind the scenes. That is the Holy Spirit moving and we may only now be noticing because we have been getting to know Him more intimately.

This is one result of starting each day by spending quiet time with Our Father in heaven in the secret place.

God is always speaking to us every moment, we just need to keep at it, to be more aware, more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

To pray without ceasing means to walk with the Holy Spirit moment by moment. In our innermost being, we can ask Him what to say, how to react, what difficult decisions to make, and how to go about our day.

When we do, we will notice that we are changed without even trying. We are changed from the inside out and not because we vowed to fulfill a new year's resolution.

New Year, New You

It will surprise us that unlike before, we will be more mellow, more composed, quicker to listen, less to speak. We will be more sympathetic, more compassionate. We are more able to avoid temptation and more and more will find ourselves not getting involved in circumstances we ought not to be in. We will begin to make better choices, not getting worried too much, and start living a more joyful and peaceful life.

Quiet Time

It all begins with spending time in the secret place and walking in God's Presence every moment throughtout the day.

We will slip once in awhile, say something we shouldn't have, do something we ought not do, or miss doing or saying something when we should have. We aren't perfect, none of us are, and this is the reason why we need the presence of the Holy Spirit and to pray without ceasing.

Let us start the day with a song as we make time to be in the secret place. In our quiet time, songs of praise, songs of worship will fill our heart, and our spirit will continue to sing within us as we go about our day.

At the end of day, all we can do is thank God, for another day that He had our back. God loves us so, and cares for us, and no matter how long we have been doing this, we are just starting to discover the full extent of His love for us.
