Quiet Time - My Credo

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13 in the English Standard Version

[This is the 27th message in this series]

This is a familiar memory verse. Lots of believers have this as their go to verse, their catch all, end all or otherwise favorite verse. It is a powerful passage.

There are one or two worship songs that most believers sing that is based off of this. Literally it is among the most widely used and quoted bible verses of all time. Several prominent people, athletes and celebrities use this as motivation. 

We also have discussed about this a few times in various teachings. This excerpt is often misused, so we come back to it as often as the Lord leads us to do so.

Half Baked

The issue is some believers only quote the first half of that beautiful passage -- I can do all things.

The problem is even unbelievers claim that. In fact that is an unbelievers credo. It sums up their ego, their self-worth, their self-sufficiency, self-dependency, their arrogance and pride. Those  are people who normally either have a chip on the shoulder, have something to prove or have a need to show off.

They go all out to point out that they don't need anyone. They can do it all -- self-made people. They have no need for God.

I am the greatest, Cassius Clay, aka Muhammed Ali once boasted, until he wasn't. 

Related Teaching: The Jesus Myth 


This is the cause of the fall of Lucifer -- in its mind, it is the best (creation) of all. When that kind of pride and arrogance overtakes anyone, when they believe they don't need God or worse even better than God, watch out for pride goes before a fall. The enemy uses the same trap to ensnare unsuspecting believers and unbelievers alike.

When we declare Philippians 4:13, we shouldn't stop midway.

Instead we tell ourselves the complete declaration:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Repeat that and say it loudly this time.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

That is what the Apostle Paul meant. 

When he was still known as Saul, he was the poster child for the arrogant know it all, and the prideful I know Scriptures and the Law and I can say it forwards and backwards.

But after having known Christ, his words changed to:

Whatever gain I had, I counted as loss.


I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.  Philippians 3:7

Believers ought to say the same thing -- that all their learning, everything they worked hard for, they are good at and proud of are worthless compared to the knowledge of Christ.

The Apostle Paul also said:

God's grace is sufficient for you.  2 Corinthians 12:9a

God will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Ephesians 3:16b

I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord,  1 Timothy 1:12a

Right Mindset

Yes, the attitude is always one of gratitude and appreciation, awe and wonder as to why a loving God would love a wretch like myself. How awesome is He to love me and rescue me at my absolute worst.

And it is not about us. It is not about our intellect, our abilities, our resources.

It is nothing about us. We can build a tower or a space craft to try to reach the heavens and it still means nothing. We can do signs, wonders and miracles, and at the end of our life God will still tell us, "I never knew you". 

We can do charitable works, give away millions, and do acts of mercy and ministry but our labors will be in vain or are nothing but filthy rags before the Lord.

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.

Apart from God, I can do nothing.

Now that is a believer's credo.

Some believers merely give lip service to the Holy Spirit. They disrespect Him, His guidance, His counsel, His help and His presence, and how they need Him every moment, every day.

When we boast on ourselves it is almost a sign that we are doing everything on our own strength and not of the Lord's. When we give all the credit to God, it means our heart is in the right place and our plans, motives, words and actions align with God's. And when it does then, we can do all things.
