Teaching - Learning Experience

"Do those things that prove you have turned to God and have changed the way you think and act."

Matthew 3:8 in God's Word Version

[This is the 20th lesson of this series]

Most days we will disappoint God. No, don't flatter yourself, it's unbecoming. I don't think God minds it too much though that we fall short from time to time -- we will. We aren't perfect. Just look at His disciples. Their failings are in the bible for a reason. 

God knows our capacity and our inadequacies. What He expects rather is that everytime we fall, we stand up and learn from our mistakes.

Not that we all have the same learning curve or rate of learning, we don't. But God expects a definite progression from our absolute worst when He first picked us up (washed up, clothed, fed and given new eyes to see, new ears to hear, new language to speak and a new heart and a renewed mind), to what He knows we are capable of becoming and were chosen to do (an essential member of His church, of which every part, however slight is important).

Grace & Mercy

God's love is the fuel and repentance is the spark plug which drives us forward, at one time we were driving on the wrong side of the road, or going the wrong way. Now with the Spirit of God and God's Word we are on the right path, headed on the right destination.

If we heed the Spirit and follow the Word, we will stay on track and not lose our way. Our past life is dead, we shouldn't live like we used to. When we act, it shouldn't be like a TV show, movie or stage play, as if we need to impress God and everyone. 

Teaching the Word of God is not like a college professor teaching a course requirement, or worse it is not like an actor memorizing his script and learning diction, intonation, proper pronounciation, pausing for effect, facial expression and the art of public speaking.  Preachers aren't trying to win an Oscar, an Emmy or a Tony.

Preaching is a matter of life or death. It is a result of cultivating a personal relationship with God, walking in the Spirit, meditating on His Word and prayer life. 

And when one prays, especially in public, it isn't like they need to outpray others or sound righteous or holy.


In fact, our best prayers are often the ones which no words can express for really no words can describe what God's love did to bring us from where He first picked us up, to where we are today and where we will be tomorrow. Silence, moans, groans, a sigh or tears are often the best prayers. 

We will always have a grocery list of items that we need. And we will have a longer list if we add those that we want. But if we think about this long enough, or been doing this new life in Christ for some time, we will learn that there are really not that many things that we actually need that we do not already have.

This pandemic we went through or are still going through, has shown us that much. 

Image Credit: knowing-jesus.com
