Post Pandemic Preaching - Christian Faith

"For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God."

Hebrews 11:10 in the Berean Study Bible Version

[This is the 7th lesson of this series]

Christians are always being criticized for their faith. This is as if non believers do not have faith on someone or something else, they do. But they find it more convenient to attack Christians for their faith rather than to confront why and how they can continue on theirs.

A Christian's faith, by their very label, is (and should be) based on Christ, His finished work. Nothing else. The cross may be the symbol they use, just because most people wants something tangible to hold on to. But Christianity is all about Christ. Everything else should be built on Him alone.

Apostle Paul wrote: If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men.

There is more to life and living it than meets the eye. And indeed, if Christ didn't do what He had done, finishing the divine work of redemption and reconciliation with Our Father in heaven, then Christians are the worst of all humans.

Casting Doubt

This is why any one who wants to cast doubt on the Christian faith is trying to find ways to cast doubt on Christ like saying Jesus the Christ was not a real person, He didn't die on the cross, His followers stole His body, He was a mere prophet, He was a mad man, a con man, a magician, or He wasn't who He said He was and He isn't the prophesied Messiah. He isn't the real deal. 

Incidentally while we're on it, let us change our dates from AD to CE and BC to BCE, take out prayer, the bible and we cannot say Christmas.


Jesus Christ is the stone which was rejected by you, (the builders), but which became the chief corner stone.

Builders lay down what is called a cornerstone, traditionally this is the first stone that is laid, sometimes ceremoniously or ritually but is always the foundation stone, the setting stone, marking where the building starts and in what direction it will go. It is the foremost stone, the foundation where all the rest of the stones will be laid on.

The Christian faith's cornerstone is Christ. Architects and builders study and plan everything and then select the cornerstone, where it should be laid, how, what, why, and builds on top of it.


Incidentally God is the Chief Architect and the Chief Builder of the universe.

Everything in the universe has order to it -- as we might expect of an Intelligent Designer, Supreme Being, and Prime Mover.

Christ is the Chief Cornerstone of the Christian faith. He is the only way back to the Chief Architect, whether we believe this or not. Everyone who has built on This Cornerstone do so through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of the Chief Builder).

Those who do so lives. Those who this stone falls on, will be crushed.

Those who lay down their foundation outside of this setting stone is building, laboring in vain. Their building may stand but once the winds and the waters and the shakings comes, they will not have a real cornerstone which will withstand the forces against it.

Christianity still stands, even in our post pandemic time, and post modern era. 
