Post Pandemic Preaching - God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart"
Hebrews 4:12 in the English Standard Version

[This is the 6th lesson of this series]

This is real talk right here (might sting but we have to rip the bandage off at that time when we have to and it does hurt a little), Christ has not returned yet not just because of people outside the church but also because of the ones inside the church. Christ is for love and unity. And this has been a concern since the 1st church started.

One of the real dangers of "preaching" online is not just hostility from non-believers but also from fellow believers. As we've mentioned before, with brethren like these, we do not need enemies.

When doctrinal battlelines are drawn out in the sand, Christians withdraw to side with their most cherished beliefs, or the ones they grew up in, the things their denomination or sect is known for. We cross our arms and say, I'm this denomination, you're that, so you have your own way, I have mine.

Christ First

Christians should be known for Christ. Not for their denomination, not for their famous pastor, not their famous founder, not for those which divides believers but for those which unites.

Online Preaching

Some believers are still upset over online meetings but in a few more years, everything could be online and I don't think any of our protests can change that. Change is coming but nothing new ever takes the Lord by surprise. He already knows the future and He has prepared for them, unlike many of us who are always a step behind.

So recently, I mentioned online that God is still speaking to people today. He is personally telling us something. 

Now I am not sure how this sounded to one of my brothers in Christ. But from reading what he wrote, it sounded like it struck a nerve, maybe one needing a root canal.

Verbatim, the comment goes: If God is speaking to us, it will only be in accordance with or through His Word, you can be sure of that. There is no new divine revelations today. We have everything we need in God's inspired, preserved Word. Be content with that.


After reading that I felt a kind of pain that is different from any other emotions I've experienced before, upon reading other previous comments. I think this is called empathy. I understood what he said but not sure if he got what I was saying or he just wanted to resist or protest against how it was worded. 

[I understand those who went to bible school may have been taught that there are no new revelations outside of tbe bible. And as with rabbis of old, this and other theological teachings are only known among a select group of teachers, most who keep the divine knowledge among themselves because they are deemed too deep for common people.]


But from what I know, and can be sure of, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

He certainly speaks to people, of course not like in the Old Testament days. Not like He did to Adam, or Abraham, or Noah, Moses or even the prophets.

That was another era. Ours is the era of the Holy Spirit. This might be breaking news to some people and they may be asking, since when. We will try to explain for those who are a little confused. 

Holy Spirit

Certainly the Holy Spirit speaks and He will not speak on His own. He points everyone to Christ.

Different Eras

In the Old Testament times, it was the time of God The Father. 

God The Father Himself spoke to His prophets. The last one being John the Baptizer, who said of Christ, the Messiah, He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. If you were to ask me, God has done away with having someone else speaking for Him. 

In Jesus time, it was the time of God The Son. People heard God speak through Him -- God Himself, but God in human flesh.

After Jesus ascended back to heaven, He told His disciples He will send The Holy Spirit -- the same Spirit who inspired all those who wrote the books of the bible. 

And so since then and up to this time, we have been in the era of The Holy Spirit. God speaks through Him, of course He will not contradict the Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is God The Word.

God The Bible

The point that I am trying to make is that Jesus is not the bible. It is not God the bible. And of course all Scripture is God breathed. But some believers go extreme and elevate the bible as the Third Person of the Trinity. The bible is holy but is not God. The bible is a holy book. 

Image Credit:

Jesus is The Word. And The Holy Spirit speaks and points to Jesus. Anything the Holy Spirit says is not contrary to what Jesus already said and not contrary to Scriptures or what is written in the bible. Certainly all that is clear.

But and this is a big but, God is the same yesterday and today, and He still speaks to us today. 

Being "content" with what one has grown up with or taught growing up in bible class, Sunday school or even taught in Seminary school or bible school is short changing God or selling Him short. God is God. He is bigger than all of us. He is bigger than the bible.

When we pray, we are actually talking with God. And communicating with someone isn't one way. We should expect God to respond back.

Are we actually saying God cannot possibly speak to us today other than from what has already been written in the bible? So why do we even pray? We cannot limit God. He is boundless. He will speak to us in every way possible. 

Why do we watch Christian movies with dialogues written in our time? Or why do we read Christian literature written by Christian authors today or in the past one thousand or so years, if God has nothing new for them to share to us?

In fact, God speaks to all even to unbelievers, through His creation, they just don't know it is God speaking.

This is all sad. And to think, some believers read only one bible version or are forbidden to read certain translations because their leaders told them or they are so legalistic that it has to be exactly how they were taught or it is not the truth. Jesus is the Truth, and that is the truth that I will be content with. The Holy Spirit speaks, we just are either not listening or we don't know Him. 

God bless everyone who read this message. 

