Post Pandemic Preaching - Faith of Children

Whoever Becomes Simple Again

"At about the same time, the disciples came to Jesus asking, “Who gets the highest rank in God’s kingdom?”

For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me."

-Jesus of Nazareth, 1st century, speaking to His disciples
Matthew 18:1-5 in the Message Paraphrase Version

[This is the 18th lesson of this series]

Scene from The Chosen


In our world today, we have pushed aside the concept of a Creator. We have taught science or the theory of evolution as the absolute truth. We have pitted one against the other.

We were taught that the Old Testament bible is a book of fables. And then we have pushed the story of Jesus aside, some even swearing that He didn't exist. Or if He did, He didn't die on the cross or He married Mary of Magdala and He had children and so many other things -- extreme one way or extreme the other.


Science and History

We believe everything written by "scientific" men and "historians" as gospel truth. And yet we know that some of these writings aren't even true, or were proven to be untrue, or were written with some personal bias or personal motivation.

Such is life here on earth, as a human being.


Anyway, haven't we realized yet that everything we believe in right now were influenced by our earliest teachers or things they have taught us? Our yet unbiased brains back then were like dry sponges, it soaked everything in.

Everything we believe in were molded, back when we still have that childlike faith, to believe on everything someone was teaching us.


Christianity, as a way of life is based on Christ Jesus. He was a real person who lived, died and was buried. Those who personally knew Him said they witnessed Him come back to life (after being dead for three days) and ascended back to the sky above. 

Several hundred interacted with Him for several weeks after He came back from the dead -- as a living, breathing, speaking, eating physical person, not a ghost or a spirit.  (This was the single reason His disciples finally believed in Him, this and the coming of the promised Holy Spirit). 

Jesus brought back Lazarus, His close friend, back from the dead prior to all this. (Lazarus has been buried for over three days before Jesus brought Him back). Somehow they forgot about that.

But the enemies of Jesus didn't. This one singular supernatural event, bringing someone back from the dead, was the last straw and the main reason His enemies wanted Him put to death, for good. Before this, they were merely plotting among themselves on how to get rid of Him.

Envy, jealousy, pride, prejudice, loss of influence, loss of face, trust, position, money are powerful human emotions and mindset -- more than enough to make anyone have another person killed, and to make a cover up story saying His disciples stole His body.

The Messiah, The Christ

The life of Jesus was prophesied, foretold hundreds of years before He was born, even His death and His resurrection from the dead.

Thousands of people witnessed Him perform the supernatural. His teachings have been the basis of the way people all over the world have lived their lives since, whether they know it or not.

The things He've done and His teachings were written down in the 1st century and we now know them as the New Testament bible, the Christian Scriptures.

These were written down without any personal motivation other than to teach the next generation of Christ followers.

Going Back To Square One

If Jesus, or His disciples were here with us today, they would probably tell us to read those writings. Read it like you would as a child, without malice, without bias.

Read the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Then read the companion Book of Luke, the Book of Acts.

And read your way through all the short letters of Paul, Peter, James, John and the other disciples. These are the letters under their names or those written to the churches in the 1st century, to the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Hebrews and others. And those written to individuals, to Timothy, Titus, Philemon.  And then read the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation.

[Once you believe in Christ, the promised Holy Spirit is one prayer away]
