Everything About God Is Simple

True, everything about God is simple (simple enough that a child would be able to understand).

It normally isn't, because we do not want to believe (or are predisposed not to believe).

It is also true that many things about God is spiritually discerned, or beyond human perception. But all those we do not need to know until after we have believed.

First Things First

Simply put, God is the Beginning. He is the Creator of all things. He is the Father.

He is the Maker, the Intelligent Designer, the Prime Mover, the Source.

Every human civilization believed in God. People say God is manmade. True, religion is manmade.

But God or the concept of God isn't. God was here before we were born and He will be here after we are gone.

Born This Way

To seek God is inherent. To wonder about one's source, why one was born, to look for one's purpose, higher calling and to ask where one's ultimate destination will be is unique to one species on earth, humans. All other animals lack this need or capacity. 

Because of this, we made religions, which have tried to explain God or the concept of God, even the idea that there is no God.

Although whatever we do, with God being God, there is no way we can be sure that there is no God, and there is no way His creations can adequately describe or explain Him. Unless He Himself does. And He did. 


And this is precisely what the Christian bible is saying. God made the heavens above, and the earth below (everything around us). 

God made humankind in His image, unique, the only one like that. The 1st man and woman succumbed to their desires (from the 1st temptation). And they died a spiritual death. From then on they and their descendants are no longer able to discern God.


That is, until God came down from heaven, in human form. He was born, lived among us, and died like everyone else. Except He resurrected back from the dead -- everything as foretold by prophets of old (the last one being John the Baptizer, who was the only old school prophet who saw the Promised One in his lifetime). After having lived a human existence, in His place the Prophesied Christ sent His Spirit to His followers, and they are again able to discern God spiritually.

God in human form was a man whose English Name is Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. He won the victory over temptation, over sin and death. He paid the ransom for humanity's mistake, got them freedom -- even freedom not to believe. And He paid for the road back to eternal life with our Father.  Thus, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

People believing in Him will have everlasting life, as was the case with the 1st man and woman.

Jesus will come back a 2nd time as He gathers all of God's people who from then on, will once again live with God, their heavenly Father.

God Our Father

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