Pandemic Preaching - The Mark of the Beast

" The second beast forces all people—important and unimportant people, rich and poor people, free people and slaves—to be branded on their right hands or on their foreheads. It does this so that no one may buy or sell unless he has the brand, which is the beast’s name or the number of its name." Revelations 13:16-17 Nature of Believe it or not, we are still in a (worldwide) pandemic. I know, we all are so over this pandemic virus. But pandemics do take a long time to subside, years. And even after it has subsided, the effects and the virus (and variants) still linger/s on. Peculiarities of Now this particular pandemic is unique in the sense that it is the first full blown pandemic during the social media age. This is the first when news, both real and fake reaches everyone, anywhere in the world with a smart device and wi-fi in real time. Politics of This pandemic has been politicized, politicians and people in positions of power and big business have used it to stay ...