
Showing posts with the label Birthright

Origins (of Our Birth Right)

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” From the letter to the First Church in Rome, 1st century -written by the Apostle Paul Romans 8:15 [This is the 11th message of this series ] Prologue For sure when the first message of this series was written down, the idea of this series going over three  messages was remote. But just like any other time when we start doing what the Holy Spirit is nudging us to do, the outcomes are far beyond our expectations. By God's grace, this is now the eleventh message of this series and almost daily there is a new message being dropped by the Holy Spirit and when it will end, we do not know or care for. (God is looking for obedience not sacrifice). Freedom Jesus of Nazareth have set us  (captives) free. He paid the full price (our ransom). And He settled the price (of admission) into God's eternal Kingdom.  This Kingdom is unseen with t