
Showing posts with the label Blinded

God's Glory - People Are Blinded

" Now if our gospel remains veiled, it is only veiled from those who are  lost and  dying, because the  evil  god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers. As a result the light of the good news, the radiant glory of the Anointed—who is the very image of God—cannot shine down on them. " 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 in the Voice Bible Version [This is the 3rd lesson of this series] This is an important lesson for teachers of God's Word to always keep in mind. The Gospel of the God's Kingdom cannot be understood by those who have not been redeemed and renegerated by the Spirit of God. The god of this world has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts and their minds to the Truth and the need to be reconciled to the God of Creation, Our Heavenly Father. Ignorance For those who are merely ignorant , there is hope. They have a chance but they need to hear or have to be taught the Gospel. For those who have already heard, many only needs others to tell them