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Living the Fruitful Life - Chosen

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you. I selected you so that you would go and produce fruit, and your fruit would remain. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name." -Jesus of Nazareth, speaking to His disciples, 1st century Johm 15:16 in The Tree of Life Version [This is the 1st of this series ] The new life in Christ is a fruitful life. He chose us so that we will bear fruit. The challenge for us now is how to live this fruitful life. There are trees and vines which bear fruit. And there are those which do not. They may look the same but they serve different purposes. Selected God has selected us to bear fruit. We have no hand in this. Whether we like it or not, we are fruit bearing. Now vines and trees do not bear fruit the moment they are sown. They do not bear fruit the moment they sprout. And depending on the type of fruit, they do not even bear fruit within a year. Some will even take several years to bear fruit. Due Season It is the same w