Do Not Be Like These People 2

"Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee on his way to Jerusalem. As he went into a village, ten men with a skin disease met him. They stood at a distance and shouted, “Jesus, Teacher, have mercy on us!” When he saw them, he told them, “Show yourselves to the priests.” As they went, they were made clean. When one of them saw that he was healed, he turned back and praised God in a loud voice. He quickly bowed at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. (The man was a Samaritan.) Jesus asked, “Weren’t ten men made clean? Where are the other nine? Only this foreigner came back to praise God.” Jesus told the man, “Get up, and go home! Your faith has made you well." Luke 17:11-19 This is the second of this series. And in the story above, it is obvious who we shouldn't be like. I know, that these people may be hard to relate to and yes, not many of us has a hard core skin disease nowadays. But in case it is still not apparent, being "ungrat...