
Showing posts with the label James Webb Telescope

Post Pandemic Preaching - The Final Frontier

"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You established— what is man, that You are mindful of him? And the son of man, that You care for him? Yet You made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and majesty! You gave him dominion over the works of Your hands. You put all things under their feet:" Psalm 8:4-7 in the Tree of Life Bible Version [This is the  22nd  lesson of  this series ] We are living in exciting times. The increase in knowledge, discovery and exploration has been unprecendented. The most powerful human made telescope has just shown the world the most vivid images from deep space. James Webb Space Telescope And there will be even more amazing images to come out. Differing Viewpoints What those who do not believe in God are saying is that they are sure that there is life out there. Yes, even if they have no physical evidence. Their only basis