
Showing posts with the label Jezebel

Feeding the Lambs - Rolling Over

" I know your deeds—your love, your faith, your service, your perseverance—and your latter deeds are greater than your first." Written by the Apostle John, 1st century Revelation 2:19 [36th message of the New Believer Series] In the last three messages of this series, we already read what the Lord have said to three different churches that was mentioned in the Book of Revelation (as revealed to and written by the Apostle John). In the excerpt above, John is writing what the Lord is feeling about the believers in the first church in Thyatira (like the ones from the previous messages, this was a church back in the 1st century, in a place now located in modern day Turkey). [These messages also have become a mini series of " He Who Has Ears"] The passage above (directed towards the church in Thyatira) is an excerpt of the longest and the sternest message. Cautious This message will also be the longest expansion of any of the messages to those who have ears in

Inconvenient Biblical Teaching - Submission

"Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,  when they see your respectful and pure conduct." -The Apostle Peter, writing to the first believers, 1st century 1 Peter 3:1-2 Why I Don't Believe Series [This would be the 1st message of this new series] So many people who reject Christianity do so because they cannot accept one or two "inconvenient" biblical teachings. And this whether they understood the context or not, or if they just cannot find a way for their personal views to align with it. Or they just want to make a stand and don't want to be swayed one way or another from it.   This is understandable. We all want to be independent, to be free thinkers, to be our own person, and to be free from whatever we believe we should be free from. God allows us that freedom, that is free will. [Note:  Christ didn't come for the all-knowing but for t