Life Before Birth

There is this "imaginary" story that has been published online and out, and throughout the years, there has been variations of it, and some having different titles and a few have different interpretations. I am not going to give my "own" interpretation, rather I will re-post one of the variations of the story (some call it a parable) and I will just say a few things regarding my reactions to it. An unborn set of twins are having a conversation in their mother’s womb. “Tell me, do you believe in life after birth?” asks one of the twins. “Yes, definitely! In here we are growing and gaining strength for what will face us on the outside,” answers the other. “That is utter nonsense!” says the first one. “There cannot be life after birth; how is that supposed to look, may I ask?” “I don’t exactly know myself, but it will certainly be much lighter out there than in here. And perhaps we will actually be running around on our legs and eating with our mout...