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Right Side Up - Coming in Last Place

  ' He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” ' Mark 9:35 With the Olympic Games, the gold medal goes to the one who comes in first -- the fastest, the highest, the strongest, the greatest, the best. And it is the same for every other competition; sports, academics, arts, whatever it might be. Everyone is aiming to finish first in every aspect of life.  The Greatest In the excerpt from the Book of Mark we read above, before Jesus called His disciple over, they were busy arguing with one another, debating who among them was the greatest. They probably were saying we think we have the top three but who gets the bronze, the silver and the gold medal. And Peter, James and John were probably in the thick of that fight. Each one saying, me, me, no me.  The Last Place Jesus called them over and schooled them by saying w hoever among you wants to be first, must be the last