Right Side Up - Singing for Joy While in Turmoil
" Both Jesus who sanctifies and those who are sanctified [that is, spiritually transformed, made holy, and set apart for God’s purpose] are all from one Father ; for this reason He is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters, saying, “I will declare Your (the Father’s) name to My brethren (believers), In the midst of the congregation I will sing Your praise.” Hebrews 2:11-12 [This is the 5th message of this series] Troubles of Pandemic Proportions Whether we like it or not, the world is still in a pandemic . Depending on where we are, m any of us are still vulnerable to getting sick and infecting others. Many still do not know where they will find their next meal or how to pay their bills. People we know are getting sick and many are worried. There are varying degrees of infection and different mandated protocols and restrictions. Most places are requiring quarantines, social distancing and facial coverings, others need p...