
Showing posts with the label Priorities

First Things First

Inside Out "Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house." Proverbs 24:27 Proverbs is a collections of wise sayings written and passed down through generations from thousands of years ago. It is attributed to King Solomon, son of King David, preserved in the Old Testament Scriptures. So for today, we read a verse that says, "Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house", as another translation of this saying puts it. It makes sense, because why plant yourself in a place where you will have no source of food or income. Which indeed is a wise saying. Priorities is its most basic theme. Meaning, some things you need to do first before others. Such is the need for proper planning, research and execution. This we all need in our daily routine, be it at work, vacation, school or home. Essentially it is saying do these things (outside) then build the inside. New Covenant But as usual, Jesus comes al...