It is the Holidays, I'm Supposed to Be Happy

Sure the holidays are a time for partying, gift giving and celebrations. But these days are not always a joyous occasion. In fact, for many is it anything but happy. Now, if you feel the same way, then there is nothing wrong with that. You are no more the Grinch or a Scrooge than Old Saint Nick. And if you are, there is no need to explain why to anyone. There is absolutely nothing to be embarassed or ashamed or even feel guilty about either. It is alright, to not care, to be sick, or feel burned out, or sad, or miserable, or hopeless, or lonely, or depressed, or bah humbug. If you believe in God, He does not promise a life free from such things. If fact, quite the opposite. He does guarantee, as many psalms say, that He is listening and will be close to the brokenhearted. He will be their refuge, their strength and ever present help. Read the Book of Psalms, and try reading it like you are reading so, to the God of the universe. You've got nothing to lose. ...