Do Not Be Like These People 6

Ananias and Sapphira "A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property. They agreed to hold back some of the money they had pledged and turned only part of it over to the apostles." Acts 5:1-2 Continuing on this series which is about putting a name or a face to people who we should not be like, we come upon a husband and wife, believers, who gained notoriety during the early church. Again, let me state that although Scriptures show us traits that are undesirable in God's Kingdom, this series is really to allow us to see that the bible do show us examples of real people, so as to put a name to these personalities we ought not to be like Let me just start that in the fifth chapter of the Book of Matthew, it was recorded that Jesus said not to make a vow to the Lord, most definitely one which you cannot follow through or worse have no intention of accomplishing altogether. And there are countless pompous people who are so full of themselves and promise so...