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  'On the first day of the week we met to break bread together. Paul spoke to the people until midnight because he was leaving the next morning. In the upstairs room where we were meeting, there were a lot of lamps. A young man by the name of Eutychus was sitting on a window sill. While Paul was speaking, the young man got very sleepy. Finally, he went to sleep and fell three floors all the way down to the ground. When they picked him up, he was dead. Paul went down and bent over Eutychus. He took him in his arms and said, “Don’t worry! He’s alive.” After Paul had gone back upstairs, he broke bread, and ate with us. He then spoke until dawn and left. Then the followers took the young man home alive and were very happy.' -Luke, writing about the Apostle Paul, 1st century Acts 20:7-12 This story is not supposed to be funny, but in a way it is. Think about it, Paul preaching his long sermon has caused this young man to fall asleep (which is not unusual). What is unusual is t