
Showing posts with the label Truth

Post Pandemic Preaching - Zeal

"Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law." Romans 10:1-3 in the New Living Translation Version [This is the  5th lesson of  this series ] Planet earth is now entering the 3rd year of living in pandemic protocols. Granted many places around the world have gone back to some semblance of pre-pandemic normalcy (although not really sure if we may go back to what was the old normal) but overall, today most people are getting back their zeal. Discouragement For the last 24 months, the pandemic has brought about discouragement after discouragement to people the world over. Slowly going back to normal is both a good and a bad thing. For what was...

Wisdom - Binge Read or Binge Watch the Truth

"Buy truth, and do not sell it; Get wisdom and instruction and understanding." Proverbs 23:23 in the Amplified Version [This is the 26th message in this series ] In this series of lessons we are highlighting two-liner verses from the Book of Proverbs. Jewish Scriptures The Book of Proverbs is a compilation of old sayings of the Old Testament Jewish people. So much of these pearls of wisdom has helped generations of people live good lives. It will be foolish of us not to study these or at least not read them. It is particularly unwise to make mistakes already committed by so many others in history plus not try to learn from their mistakes. So many students say why do they teach such subjects, courses and topics which will have no life application or things that we will not use in our daily life. Yes this is partly true, especially of a few courses of study. But schooling is important. Education is important. Reading is important. Learning is important. Christian Scri...

Our God - Spirit and Truth

  " God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” -Jesus of Nazareth, 1st century John 4:24 [This is the  3r d  message of  this series ] God Reveals Himself So God is spirit. He is unseen -- invisible to the human eye. And this shouldn't really surprise us. We know of many things that are invisible to the naked eye but we know they exist, or we know people came to the conclusion they exist, and we believe them. Examples of these unseen things are common all around us, viruses, air, wind, atmosphere, gravity, heat, magnetic force, electric current, radio waves, ultraviolet waves, microwaves, and wi-fii to name a few. [Even our feelings are real, we don't see them but we know they exist. When someone calls us a derogatory word, when it offends us, this feeling is real] We know these unseen things are there but do not see them. We know our microwave ovens are able to cook our food but don't understand or see why or maybe even how. ...

Feeding the Lambs - What Do You Believe

Jesus' Brothers Don’t Have Faith in Him "It was almost time for the Festival of Shelters [Feast of Taberbacles, Tents or Booths], and Jesus' brothers said to him, “Why don’t you go to Judea? Then your disciples can see what you are doing. No one does anything in secret, if they want others to know about them. So let the world know what you are doing!” Even Jesus' own brothers had not yet become his followers. Jesus answered, “My time hasn’t yet come, but your time is always here. The people of this world cannot hate you. They hate me, because I tell them that they do evil things. Go on to the festival. My time hasn’t yet come, and I am not going.” Jesus sai d this and stayed on in Galilee. Jesus at the Festival of Shelters After Jesus' brothers had gone to the festival, he went secretly, without telling anyone. During the festival the Jewish leaders looked for Jesus and asked, “Where is he?” The crowds even got into an argument about him...

Pandemic Preaching - The Truth Is The Truth Even if We Don't Believe It

"Jesus looked straight at them and said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Matthew 19:26 There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who believe in God. And those who do not. Okay there's a third group, those who believe that it is impossible to find out if there is or if there isn't one and so they convinced themselves they don't care to believe or not. 50-50 Statistically, the chances would either be that A, there is or B, there isn't. Regardless, if it is A, even if we don't believe it, He is and will still be God. And as God, of course He can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him. Aa for Man, we already know that there are things we cannot do. And we cannot understand, including this pandemic. Pandemic But you know what, if God is God, then even a pandemic will work out for good. And if we still have not learned anything the last few months, then we haven't been paying attention. This ...

What is Truth

"Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus replied, “You’re correct in saying that I’m a king. I have been born and have come into the world for this reason: to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”  John 18:37-38 It is ironic that at that time, Pilate was face to face with the man who said "I am the truth". Pilate was at that time, the governor of Judea and Samaria, appointed by the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Jesus was brought to him to be judged and executed. He actually didn't find fault in this man, but nonetheless he was pressured to sentence Jesus to be put to death by crucifixion. Before this, Jesus already predicted that He will die. And He told His disciples that He will then send them a Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Whom He referred to as the Spirit of Truth, who will guide them into all the truth. But all these sounds Greek to anyone who does not speak Greek. Truth is truth...