Quiet Time #15 - Walking the Talk

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him." Colossian 2:6 Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is not the finish line. Instead it is the starting point. Then the race begins -- not a sprint but a marathon, okay a walkathon . And everything begins and ends with Jesus. This is why the bible said, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the A and the Z. All starts with Him saving us, and ends with Him meeting us at the Lord's Supper in heaven. (Then eternity starts). Truth And this journey starts when we accept our need of a savior and when we accept God's finished work of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Then our eyes, our ears, our mind and our heart are immediately opened to the truth. In fact, Jesus is the truth. And the truth endures, it never changes. Once we know the truth, our faith builds up and we can start walking in it -- one step at a time. And one step after another as our faith grows and matures and bears fruit that...