Origins (Christianity)

 Lost Sheep

'We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost.

    We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way.

And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong,
    on him, on him.'

Isaiah 53:6

Jesus didn't come to start a religion. Christianity, the one which Christ started, was not set up as an organized religion. 

People who keep on saying they dislike organized religion must be told that Jesus Christ had a specific purpose (and not to start a new religion). 

Lamb of God

He came to do these: to live as one of us, live a sinless life to be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and to teach His disciples all about these for three years. 

He lived a sinless life, He taught, travelled, ate and spent day and night with His disciples for that short a time and He went to the cross to finish His mission. 

When His earthly ministry was done, He left His disciples with the Holy Spirit who like Him was their constant companion, helper, teacher, advocate and guide -- the start of Christianity, then known as The Way. (And Christians were first called as followers of The Way).

Way of Life

Jesus said He is the Way.


When He left, He told His disciples to live out their lives waiting for His return (His second coming*). 


Jesus left them with two rules to live by:

1. Love God. (He told them who God is as they cannot love who they do not know).

2. And love others (as much as possible, everyone).


And He said for them to keep three things:

1. Remember Him in communion.

2. Go baptize others (being already baptized themselves).

3. And to go and tell the world about Him (and make them into followers of The Way, like Jesus did to them).

Those ain't much. 

One Way


So many of what religious people are doing today were born out of the traditions and the culture they and their forefathers grew up in.

And many of their religious practices have nothing to do with Christ.


Jesus did go to church (to their synagogues) on Saturdays as their custom. Remember He didn't grew up Christian.

Most of His teachings actually called out the religious leaders of His day and their hypocritical and religious teachings.

And He didn't tell his disciples to go to church.

The Church

For Christians are already the church. Their bodies are the temples of God, where the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) dwells. Theirs is the New Covenant, the old has gone and the new has come. 

Together, they form the whole body of believers, the bride of Christ who Jesus will return a second time* for.

When the church comes together, great and mighty things happen, both in the natural and the supernatural. And this is the reason why followers of Christ meet up.

Lost Sheep

So just as the Prophet Isaiah said about all of us:

'We all like sheep have gone astray.

Each of us turned to his own way.'

God had to call us all back. 

Isaiah said this about the Messiah, the Christ (Jesus of Nazareth):

'The Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.
He was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.'

Jesus didn't form a religion, instead He came to purchase our salvation, our redemption -- freedom from sin, freedom from the punishment of sin and from sickness (the full salvation/redemptive trifecta).

Christ sent out His followers to all the world to call back everyone -- all of the Lost Sheep.

This message is one of those calls. If you are reading/hearing this then this has done what it was set up to do.

As the Lord said: 

Come,... and let us sit down and reason together...

Message Series

Origins Series

*When the gospel is preached to all the world, Jesus will come back.

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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