Careless, Thoughtless, Thankless

The novel coronavirus is a conspiracy theory from the very beginning.

No one can really be sure how it started. Goverments have their own agenda. And media have theirs, and these people stick to them.

How To Deal With A Pandemic

Luckily, we the public only need three things:

One, to be careful, 

Two, to be thoughtful, and

Three, to be thankful.

Photo Credit: Lindsay Community Church

Be Careful

First, we need to be careful not to get sick. I know many of us are as strong as a horse and think this virus is no worse than the flu.

But typically in the U.S., each year the flu infects 40 million, 800,000 of whom gets hospitalized and 60,000 of them die. Now mind you, the flu has a vaccine and we have medicine to treat it.

The new coronavirus spreads like the flu, has no vaccine, no medicine and at least triple the fatality rate. We have not studied it and we do not know what long term effects it has on those who will catch it. We should not underestimate this pandemic.

Be Thoughtful

I get it, you have a great immune system, you are healthy, you don't smoke, you don't drink, you exercise, you eat right and you are below 19 years.

So you have a 97% chance of surviving this virus if you get infected. Great odds.

But here's the thing, if you get infected, you'll live but you will also most likely pass the virus to three to four people a day at least. And pretty soon your whole household is infected, your classmates, your coworkers, your neighbors and other people you get in contact with.

You can survive but the ones you pass it to, may not make it.

Be Thankful

As we have seen in China, in Japan, in Korea, in Iran and in Italy, Spain, France and Germany we know how bad it could be. Not so much the number of deaths just yet but how bad it is to the quality of their life and the stress on their healthcare industry.

Our hospitals in America are already full capacity on any normal day. If thousands more a day get infected and hundreds need to be hospitalized and dozens need ventilators, then in just a few days, we will be in the same boat as Italy is in -- no more hospital beds and overwhelmed and overworked healthcare workers.

And I'm not sure how Americans will take it when they are told to stay home for several weeks. Who will make them? The state? The city? The police? The military? The national guard? Yes anarchy.

So be thankful that we are able to see how it is in these other places and we can take necessary steps so we do not need to follow in their footsteps.

If you believe in God, be thankful. If you don't believe, then be thankful to your lucky stars you do not live in those countries.

It is always important to have an attitude of thanksgiving and thoughtfulness. Be careful and wise not to repeat, and learn from the mistakes of others.

Wash our hands, steer clear of crowds, if we get infected call our doctor, stay at home when we are told to do so, have supplies that we will need in our home (but just enough, no need to panic buy) and quit worrying but spend time reading the bible, fasting and praying. It is the season for it anyway (Lent).
