Storing Up

Treasures in Heaven

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

This is now the seventh part of this Sermon on the Mount Series. 

Daily Bread

Like all the previous morsels of teaching, Jesus is again talking about normal everyday things.

Most of Jesus' talking points are practical things, so that people can easily connect with and digest.

Storing Up

In this portion of the sermon, Jesus is talking about most people's favorite past time -- shopping, online and TV shopping included.

Some of us do this like we are training for an Olympic Event.

It is not uncommon to find people who has the latest model car each year, or the latest iPhone, the latest Jordans or Yeezys.

When the latest gadgets come out, people just have to have it. Whenever or wherever the latest craze comes up, we have to be there, check it out, be seen there or take selfies.

Hence the saying 'pics or it didn't happen'.

People have closets full, a garage full and a storage space full of clothes, shoes and stuff, and many they hardly use, collecting dust and rust and insects, most still have their price tags on.

Earthly Treasures

We just want to keep on storing up these earthly treasures and often showing them off, online or off.

If Jesus talked about this Olympic event back in His day, we are sure that they were already doing something comparable in their day and time. But this sermon teaching and all the other points He has made are so spot on for today more than ever.

Remember, Jesus said He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. And He said His Word will never pass away.

Today, we are starting to find out that these are true.

People store up earthly treasures here, because this is where their heart is. YOLO, FOMO, MOMO, Life's too short, all these new slogans explain this.

To them, because there is no life after here on earth, so they live their life only for today.

Hard to blame them, because this is what they believe in.

And what they believe in, is where they will put their earthly riches in.

And where their earthly riches are, there is where their heart is.

Yes, hard to believe that this message is as relevant today than as it would have, back when it was first preached 2,000 years ago.

The previous bite sized servings of this series were:
Part 1 - Judging
Part 2 - Giving
Part 3 - Worrying
Part 4 - Building
Part 5 - Praying
Part 6 - Fasting

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