Advent - Silent Years

The Return to Nazareth

"When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him." Luke 2:39-40

Advent is about the coming of the promised Savior of the world. Christians believe that to be Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, and He grew up in his mother's hometown of Nazareth (a village in Galilee).

Although Jesus was prophesied over a thousand years before He was born, a big part of His life is unknown.

What We Know

What we do know is that He was born in Bethlehem, presented to the temple in Jerusalem as a baby. Visited by the Magi as a toddler. After which, went into hiding in Egypt. And went back and spent His life in Nazareth. He visited the temple in Jerusalem with His family, each year for Passover.

For about 18 years, there was nothing about Him until John baptizes Him in the Jordan River and He began His public ministry.

The Silent Years

What little we know from these silent years were:

1. Jesus grew up healthy and strong.

The gospels tell us that Jesus was a carpenter, as was Joseph, His mother's husband.

Now this could mean that he was someone who builds or repairs things. But this term could also mean that He was a laborer or one who does construction work -- indeed, someone who does back breaking work, someone strong and healthy enough to do so.

2. He was filled with wisdom.

People were also amazed that He knew so much. He was full of wisdom beyond His years and education. He was literate, He could read and He could write. He was a great teacher, an impressive speaker and story teller.

3. And God’s favor was on Him.

Lastly, He was full of God's favor. Meaning He was blessed by God and more importantly He was a blessing to others.

He healed the sick and the disabled. He fed the hungry. He helped those who can't help themselves, the downtrodden, the outcasts. He gave hope to the hopeless. He brought the dead back to life. And He showed us how to love and how to live.
