Roadmap - I Know of Christ From Religion or Tradition Lesson 2

I Know of Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition

This is the 5th of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site.

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I Know Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition

So if this describes where you are right now and you really want to know Christ, please continue.

[If you missed the 1st part, click here]

If you want to start over, click here: Roadmap.


So we have talked about how some people only know of Christ through their religion, through studying Theology in school or through their religious rituals.

Many Christians are merely "religious", basically they only know of Christ but don't really know Him. They are very much like the religious leaders of Jesus' time, who missed out on knowing who Christ is and He was right there in front of them.

Let us not follow their lead. If we want to know Christ, then let's do it right, like how the first disciples did it.

Let' start off with studying the Letter to the Hebrews, a short Book of the Christian bible (13 Chapters).

We have a short series based off of this book, Milk

If this is not your cup of tea, then we can try this series God's Covenants.

[If you know the Old Testament Covenants, then you can skip all of them and go to the 6th lesson, the Final Covenant]

This is the Covenant God made with humankind through Christ.

And to get on the bus to this place, we have to be like Nicodemus the Pharisee, one of the more respected religious leaders in Jesus' neck of the woods.

We already know of that other famous Pharisee. Here is a video of what the Pharisee Saul (Paul) could be telling us, if he was with us today:

Knowing or studying about Christ is not enough. Religion is not what we were created for. Men created religion, mainly as a way to reach God.

God created men to worship Him. He reached down to us.

Christianity is about knowing God through Christ. And knowing Christ will involve knowing who we are, and then knowing who we are in Christ.

Indeed, it looks like we will need a Roadmap for this.