Pandemic Preaching - Finding Rest for Your Soul

Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and ‘you will find rest for your souls.’  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
-Jesus of Nazareth
Matthew 11:28-30

Even though some things may have slowly gone back to normal, many of us still have not found comfort since the effects of the pandemic of 2019 started.

Many of us got sick and still have lingering side effects even after having survived the disease.

Many of us have family and loved ones who are sick right now or have died.

Some have lost their jobs or their businesses or means of livelihood. 

On top of this, some of us also have gone through a natural calamity. 

And for some, it seems like it is just one trial after another, like a strong earthquake happened and tsunamis are just coming at us again and again and again.

Nothing is Hidden From God

God knows what we are going through. And He wants us to do what Christ Jesus is telling us to do in the excerpt above.

Come to Him -- all of us who are tired from carrying heavy loads.

We can lean on Him. He is gentle and humble, and we will find rest.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

This is not only true for the personal aspect of our life. It is also true for the religious aspect.

God's "religion" is not wearisome. If our religion is tiresome then it not from God.

Real Religion

Church and ministry is not hard work. If it is, we are probably going about it all wrong. We would be merely using our own strength and devising our own plans. But don't get me wrong, ministry isn't easy either, it takes time -- time spent with God.

Jesus didn't tell us to do church and He didn't start a religion. That was not His intention.

Heaven on Earth

Christ came down from heaven to give us God's love so that we can receive it and share it with others. He came so we can live heaven here on earth and then when our time comes to move on from this life into eternity in heaven with Him.

While on earth, Christ got tired as well. He got weary. And so He rested in the Father's presence.

He laid down the burdens He was carrying and unloaded them into the waiting arms of the Father. He rested in His love. He spent quiet times daily with Him who can do immeasurably more than we can think or imagine. We ought to do nothing less, especially now. 

Quiet Time

Jesus prayed to the Father. We too can do the same, using the Name of Jesus to come into God's Presence.

Let us Pray

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