Movie Night

"If our Message is obscure to anyone, it’s not because we’re holding back in any way. No, it’s because these other people are looking or going the wrong way and refuse to give it serious attention. All they have eyes for is the fashionable god of darkness. They think he can give them what they want, and that they won’t have to bother believing a Truth they can’t see. They’re stone-blind to the dayspring brightness of the Message that shines with Christ, who gives us the best picture of God we’ll ever get." 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 MSG Preview / Free Sample Most people select movies or TV shows by sampling the first few minutes -- much like tasting the free food from Costco, Panda Express or the farmer's market. If it appears uninteresting by their own standards then they move on the next. So on one stormy movie night at home, it is not unusual for someone to surf through dozens of shows before one finds something that's good enough to watch. Often times, the selec...