Do You Love Me?

"Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me." John 14:24a Here Jesus of Nazareth was speaking to his followers during the last supper. Many times Jesus spoke in parables but at this time, particularly when He was alone witb His disciples and specially when He knew his time was coming, He was speaking very plainly. Before this statement, He told them that those who love Him, will obey Him. And followed this up with saying the opposite, that those who do not love Him, does not obey Him. And how could they? The path to obedience is at least a three step process. First, you must know Him, before you get to love Him and then you might obey Him. When Jesus resurrected back from the grave, He asked Peter the same question three times: "Simon son of John, do you love me?" (Peter was the name given him by Jesus, Simon was the name given him by his parents.) Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him three times, "Do you love me?" (Some people argue ...