
Showing posts with the label Missionary

Becoming Like Priscilla and Aquila

" Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them." -Apostle Paul Romans 16:3-4 [This is the 16th message of this series] Married Couple So Aquila and Priscilla (or Prisca) were husband and wife. They were at some point residents of Rome, Italy. But they had to leave that place and they ended up in the City of Corinth as Jewish refugees. Those were difficult times in Rome, during the rule of Emperor Claudius. Let's read the story of this couple in Acts 18. "After this [Paul] departed from Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently arrived from Italy with Priscilla his wife, due to the fact that Claudius had issued an edict that all the Jews were to leave Rome. And [Paul] went to see them, And because he was of the same occupation, he stayed with them; and they worked [together], for they were tentmakers

Origins (of Missions)

' But we wanted you to have the true message. That’s why we didn’t give in to them, not even for a second. Some of them were supposed to be important leaders, but I didn’t care who they were. God doesn’t have any favorites! None of these so-called special leaders added anything to my message. They realized that God had sent me with the good news for Gentiles, and that he had sent Peter with the same message for Jews. God, who had sent Peter on a mission to the Jews, was now using me to preach to the Gentiles. James, Peter, and John realized that God had given me the message about his undeserved kindness. And these men are supposed to be the backbone of the church. They even gave Barnabas and me a friendly handshake. This was to show that we would work with Gentiles and that they would work with Jews.' -the Apostle Paul writing to the first Christians in Galatia, 1st century Galatians 2:5-9 [This is the 14th message of this series ] With the help of the Holy Spirit, we hav