
Showing posts with the label Temptation

Feeding the Sheep - Learn From the Past

"Remember our history, friends, and be warned. All our ancestors were led by the providential Cloud and taken miraculously through the Sea. They went through the waters, in a baptism like ours, as Moses led them from enslaving death to salvation life. They all ate and drank identical food and drink, meals provided daily by God. They drank from the Rock, God’s fountain for them that stayed with them wherever they were. And the Rock was Christ. But just experiencing God’s wonder and grace didn’t seem to mean much—most of them were defeated by temptation during the hard times in the desert, and God was not pleased. The same thing could happen to us. We must be on guard so that we never get caught up in wanting our own way as they did. And we must not turn our religion into a circus as they did—“First the people partied, then they threw a dance.” We must not be sexually promiscuous—they paid for that, remember, with 23,000 deaths in one day! We must never try to get Christ to serve u...

Quiet Time #11 - With God You Will Find A Way

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."   1 Corinthians 10:13 When I was a newly born believer, the Lord placed in my heart an insatiable desire to know more about the gospel, about Jesus, about Christianity and everything about God. And I feasted on Scriptures at every opportunity and sang songs of praise and worship all throughout the day. Daily Grind But don't think for a moment that everything turned out to be a bed of roses. In fact, it was far from it. But God sure made a way for me to power through. Remember the enemy will not rest until any believer is deceived and destroyed, and will use anything and anyone, and any opportunity to do so. Daily Manna The bible verses I read and sang daily and the habit of meeting together with other believers became my weapons agai...