Everyday Wisdom - Casting Lots

"The lot is cast into the lap,
    but its every decision is from the Lord." 

Proverbs 16:33

Every culture has its own set of sayings and words of wisdom. The Jewish people had theirs written down into a book we call Proverbs.

Casting Lots

Casting Lots was a means that they have traditionally done to decide matters. In the proverb above (a two-line poem -- a couplet), it tells us that the lot they cast is made by man but the outcome is from the Lord.

Meaning when they have some matter they couldn't decide on, they decide them by casting lots into their laps (similar to throwing a coin or a dice), they believe that the result is from the Lord.

Many sporting events and contests do this, even civilized nations do this during local elections when the ballots counted ended in a draw and they need to decide the winner.

Other Cultures

All other cultures probably have similar traditions or beliefs. It is interesting that from my old country, we have an old saying that literally means "this is up to God" (belief on a Higher Power).

Through the generations, the word used for God lost a letter and now the meaning of the resulting word means fate or chance. The saying now translates to "this is up to chance" (wishful thinking).

Makes Sense

This makes sense because more and more people do not believe in a God that created everything and who has a plan for everything.

What they believe in is that everything was created by chance and everything else that is happening and will happen is all by chance. And so everything has no real rhyme or reason or purpose to it.

Schools of Thought

And so in essence, there are only two ways to it. Either one goes all in and believes in a God created universe, and He knows what He is doing.

Or you believe in the idea that everything just perfectly happened and through the billions of years we all evolved into who we are right now.

Two Beginnings, One Ending

Two totally different views of where we came from but in the last few years both finally coming together into one belief on where we are all heading to -- the destruction of the world as we know it.

We Cast Our Own Fate

Well the Jewish people might be right after all, we all tossed our coin to see what we will believe in but in the end it might very well be the God of Creation who determines the outcome at the end.

A Hundred Billion Times

#Everyday Wisdom

Proverbs/Wisdom Series

1. Wisdom

2. Insight

3. Everyday Wisdom - Fall
