Everyday Wisdom - Fire

"Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the LORD tests the heart." 

Proverbs 17:3

Placing gold and silver over fire or intense heat is the oldest method used to refine these precious metals.

The bible mentions this process numerous times.

In ancient days, this form of refining involved a craftsman sitting next to a hot fire with the molten metal in a crucible carefully being watched and handled until the perfect time to remove it from the heat.

Removed too early and it will come out not ready. Too late, and it comes out injured.

This process and tradition remains largely untouched to this day except for advancements in safety, equipment and precision.

Done correctly in this manner, gold and silver comes out perfectly or how it is supposed to be.

Refiner's Fire

In the same way, believers are placed by the Master Craftsman in the furnace to be heated. As in any furnace, the applied heat will become unbearably uncomfortable but is necessary for the believer.

God, keeps watch and carefully holds the believer in His hands so as to keep him from falling or slipping. And takes him out only when he is good and ready, not a second early or late.


The question really is will the suppposed believer put his trust in the refining process? Is his faith only by the confession of his mouth or only in his mind? Or is it with all his heart?

God knows. But the believer doesn't, unless they go through the refiner's process. And then they will know for sure.

Many will quit and then they would know that they aren't ready yet -- they might confess it, they might think that they are, but their hearts aren't there yet.

The few who makes it through the process comes out shining, refined, tested and molded for their intended use.

Without this process the believer wouldn't know they are ready. And ready for the next refining process to come.


Proverbs/Wisdom Series

1. Wisdom

2. Insight

3. Everyday Wisdom - Fall

4. Everyday Wisdom - Casting Lots
