Giving Thanks Series
Thanksgiving Week is upon us, many of us (those who still have work and can afford it) have taken at least one or two days off work, some the whole week, college kids will be home for the holidays. Family members have made plans to visit their loved ones.
Everything seems to be normal. But we all know this year is nothing but normal.
Worldwide, the pandemic virus infections are on an upswing. Countless cities are reporting thousands are infected daily. Healthcare front-liners are exhausted, many have gotten infected themselves and have suffered or died like the ones they were caring for.
Overwork vs No Work
While most of us are overworked, many among us are on a permanent day off because we can't find work or we have been let go. Some, because our companies have shutdown, have cut business hours or business just has not been doing well. Or we have gotten sick to work. (Or a loved one might have gotten sick or even died).
Our children are going to school at home, opening up a whole new Pandora's box by itself.
The more vulnerable among us has not been out of our homes or the places they are being cared for.
Not that there are places to go to anyway, or the means to do so. (It is nice to know that we can go out and that we are permitted to).
On top of the pandemic, this is an election year. The campaign and the elections have been the craziest in recent memory. The entire year has just been totally crazy.
Americans has not been as divided in terms of their choice of president, color, creed and life choices. And they will continue to be.
Thanksgiving week like all of the holidays since March has been essentially cancelled.
But once we, especially as a nation will stop to pause and give thanks, then everything will continue to spiral downwards -- with no chance for joy, hope, peace and love.
I know it's a little hard to be thankful for anything right now.
But giving thanks can be a choice. We can choose to have an attitude of thanksgiving for what we do have instead of magnifying those that we don't. If you believe in God, you'd know that all things will work together for good.
Below are the messages in our Giving Thanks Series from last year, it might be a good time to read through one message a day through this Thanksgiving Week and going into the last month of the year.
2020 and the elections are about to end and Christmas is right around the corner are reasons enough to be thankful for.
Giving Thanks Series:
Giving Thanks - Singing Praise
Giving Thanks - Heaven's Password
Giving Thanks
Thank You Theo*
Thank You John*
Thank You Mary, Mother of Jesus*
Thank You Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and Teachers of the Law
Thank You Zach
Living a Life of Thanksgiving*
Thank You 1 of 10
Thank You Shepherds*
*also part of the Advent Series
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