Sermon on the Mount Series

The Sermon on the Mount

For lack of a better title, the most famous sermon Jesus ever preached was called the Sermon on the Mount.

It wasn't because it wasn't just appropriate, He was indeed preaching up on a mountain.

But also because it tackles so many subject matters and is so diverse, it is not really that easy to put a title on it. Jesus didn't.

He didn't call it - The New Way, Words to Live By, How to Live Your Life, Blessed Are Those, nor The Beatitudes, My Prayer, or The Parables for it is all that and more.

The Sermon of Jesus

Needless to say, the Sermon on the Mount is one huge mountain of teachings. 

We have tried to break it up into single serve bite sized nuggets (kid's meals) -- sermonettes:

1. Judging
2. Giving
3. Worrying
4. Building
5. Praying
6. Fasting
7. Storing Up
8. Loving
10. Turning the World Upside Down

continuing series...

Part of this Series

Image Credit: Henry Coller, The Sermon on the Mount,

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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