Everyday Wisdom - Broken

"Before being broken, the heart of man is haughty, and before coming into honour, comes being brought to humility."  Proverbs 18:12

We have been talking about #EverydayWisdom for several days now. In the previous messages we already talked about how best to read the Book of Proverbs -- a book of 31 chapters containing a total of about a thousand couplets or two-liner short sayings.

We have also discussed that when we read them, we should do so for the purpose of finding how it would relate to our own self and how it could help change us from the inside out.


In the passage above we can all relate, particularly before we come to the saving knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth. We have discussed this in length in the series about being Born-Again*.


All have fallen short and until we accept that, the fall is coming, pride (haughtiness) will keep us from understanding what the concept of this new birth is all about.

What would happen to all believers, and for some it could be quite frequently is that their inherent pride gets the best of them and so they fall again to the haughtiness that once was a common occurence before they were reborn.


Thus, the Lord allows them to fall and to break them, for them to see the folly or the error of their ways.


The promise is that honor will come when during the time of brokenness, the believer on his own accord, repents, humbles himself and comes back to the Father.

This is totally evident in the parables** or the stories that Jesus narrated to those who followed him, to hear him speak.

At the cross, You beckon me


** The Story of the Lost (Prodigal) Son

Born Again? I Don't Get It

Proverbs/Wisdom Series

1. Wisdom

2. Insight

3. Everyday Wisdom - Fall

4. Everyday Wisdom - Casting Lots

5. Everyday Wisdom - Fire
